War of Emperium Times
Wednesday at 07:00 to 08:00 (server time)
Saturday at 17:00 to 18:00 (server time)
What is War of Emperium?
War of Emperium is your chance to pit wits and power in the biggest guild battle ever. Not only is it a battle between two guilds and one castle, but now there are several fortresses for which dominance can be acquired.
In this venture, players will have access to a wide variety of siege weapons and defensive items. These items help players deal massive amounts of damage from a distance or may be used to protect their allies in battle.
To participate in the WoE you need to follow some rules:
Players must be a member of a guild.
Just guilds who are in WoE channel can fight for Castles or Fortress.
Talk to WoE entrance NPC in Morroc or Prontera.
If your guild already has an emperium, Knight Head Shun will allow players to warp to your own fortress while Knight Subdirector Gyle allows players to warp to one of the starting points in the battlefield.
Guild Robes:
To distinguish guilds from each other, they are given guild robes for their guild members for the duration of War of Emperium
PVP Zones:
During War of Emperium time, the region will be open as a special PvP Zone where players can earn Blood Points by killing other players. However, unlike Colosseum, players will lose Blood Points upon death.
How to win
Winning guild will be chosen based on the Occupation Score
Occupation Score: Quantifies the cumulative time from the start of WoE to the time when the Castle Emperium is destroyed into a number.
When the Castle Emperium is destroyed, Occupation Score will be accumulated again from the time of its destruction.
Everytime the Castle Emperium is destroyed, the basic Occupation Score will be increased:
When it isn’t destroyed: 100 (basic score)
When it’s destroyed once: Multiply basic score by 2
When it’s destroyed twice: Multiply basic score by 3
Even if the Emperiums are being protected by a defending guild, that guild can’t win if the Occupation Score is lower than other guilds.
If the score is tied, the guild who owned it last will be the winner.
Owners of Emperiums get:
Guardian NPCs
Kafra Services
Warp Points
Repair Machines
Siege Weapons:
Battering Rams
Protection Stone Statue
WOE Supplies
Ghost Palanquin
Defense Stone Statue
1 Castle
3 Fortress Lords
Castle rewards shall be the same as they are for the current winners of the War of Emperium.
Unique buff (+1,000HP/15% Movement Speed Increase)
Zeny tax of zeny spent at vendors
Acquiring ownership of the Fortress
You can take ownership of each castle or fortress by destroying the Emperium of that castle or fortress.
The Occupation Buff can be acquired by using the same method as before (owning the castle), however, if castle ownership is taken by another guild because of the owning guild’s lack of Occupation Score, the Occupation Buff will be deactivated.
WoE Reset
When the castle Emperium is destroyed, except for the guild that has gained ownership of the castle, the rest of the guilds will be moved to outside of the stronghold
WoE will not be finished, but will begin again after a short period.
The castle gate and gateway will recover when WoE begins again, but with decreased HP than before.
Every time the castle Emperium is destroyed, the basic Occupation Score will increase as follows:
When it isn’t destroyed: 100 (basic score)
When it’s destroyed once: Multiply basic score by 2
When it’s destroyed twice: Multiply basic score by 3
Ownership of the Castle When WoE Finishes
Ownership of the castle will be decided according to the castle Occupation Score. The guild with the highest score will be the owner.
In case of the fortresses, regardless of castle Occupation Score, ownership of the fortress will be given to the guild that occupies the fortress when WoE is finished.
The castle gates can be removed by using an orb.
Location-saving Kafra, which used to be able to be used during WoE, is only available to be used by the Guild Master
During WoE, Mastery Point death penalty will not be applied.
Base occupation buffs, which used to be acquired when occupying a base, won’t be applied anymore.
Flying Kafra’s flight path, which makes it possible to move from castle to fortress directly, is eliminated.
You can move to the store location from the current location by using /exit or /escape command. However, you can only use it once an hour.
Overall Features of Prontera War of Emperium
There are two starting points, you may use the flight Kafra service to enter during battle.
There is one castle, three fortress and three bases that can be sieged. Bases can’t give owner buff.
The castle is closed by two gates and a Main Gate to protect access to the East and West Fortresses.
The South fortress has an Orb to open Main Gate.
Prontera WoE map has various monsters and bosses around the East Fortress.
The War of Emperium is a guild versus guild siege battle. Your fellow guild members are your battle allies while members of other guilds are your enemies. All the guilds participating will have to compete with each other to attack and take the fortress.
Siege weapons and defensive items will be at your disposal! Attackers gain an advantage by taking smaller Emperiums that will provide your guild with unique buffs. Once the gates are destroyed, attacking guilds will face off against guardians protecting the main fortress Emperium. The guild that destroys the Emperium become the new owners, and will be the defenders of their spoils in the next round of the War of Emperium.
Features of Morroc War of Emperium
There are three starting points, you may use the flight Kafra service to enter during battle
There is one castle and two fortress that can be sieged.
The castle is closed by three gates, the western fortress has an orb that when destroyed will open the eastern gate to the castle. Destroying the orb in the east fortress will open the western gate.
The castle has 2 key positions, the upper level and bottom level. The top level can be accessed through the western and eastern towers. Destroying the southern gate will allow players into the lower level that houses the castle Emperium.
There is a Garden to the north of the castle that houses various monsters and a boss.
Players must be in a guild.
Guilds that are inside or outside of the fortress may participate.
Guilds that own the fortress will can be warped inside the fortress where they may hold. Guilds that do not own the fortress will be warped to the battlefield.
Talk to the WoE entrance NPCs in Morroc to enter.
Knight Head Shun will allow players to warp to fortresses.
Knight Subdirector Gyle allows players to warp to one of three starting points.
Taking over the Fortress
Ownership of the fortress is determined by destroying the Emperium. If multiple guilds are assaulting the Emperium, the guild with the most damage dealt will claim the fortress
Fortress Benefits
Guardian NPCs
Kafra Services
Warp Points
Repair Machines
Siege Catapults (one guild member can buy up to 10 siege catapults) This feature is open to all players.
Castle Occupation Buff (Increases Max HP by 1,000; Increases movement speed by 15%)
Fortress Occupation Buff (Increases Max HP by 500; Increases movement speed by 13%)
Tax Administer: Guild will receive 10% of the Zeny spent at all NPC merchants
PvP Zone
In the War of Emperium zone. PvP is open. Players can kill other players to earn Blood Points. However, unlike the Colosseum, players will lose Blood Points upon death.