Don't just spend holiday time with friends and family; spend time with your Guildies as well! Here are some fantastic Guild events to keep you and your guildmates busy for the rest of the year!
Dates: December 18, 2013 to Janurary 15, 2014
Celebrate with your Guild!
Take a cheerful screenshot of you and your guild mates in holiday costumes and accessories. Enter and get featured in our official Facebook Album.
All for One
Take a fun screenshot with at least 20 of your guildmates. Screenshots will be collected at the end of the event, to be put up on Facebook for a community vote. The top 3 with the most votes will earn Event Boxes for their entire guild.
Team Building Exercises
The top 10 guilds who have the highest log-in record during the event period will recieve the following:
-Pinky Fat Pukui Hat
-Master's Battle Manual
-Blue Spinel