Spread the cheer and lose the holiday calories with some dirty dancing!
From December 11th, 2013 to January 8th, 2014, submit your best dancing videos for a chance at earning awesome prizes!
Here are the rules:
1. The video has to be uploaded on Youtube, or a similar video sharing site. Please submit the link in this forum thread, in the Steam forum Event Submission thread, or via a Facebook message. Please also remember to include your Character Name.
2. The video has to include "Ragnarok 2: MACD" in the title.
3. The following are allowed:
-In game footage of characters dancing to music, similar to a music video or edited so that the character performs a new dance.
-Real life video of you performing a new dance.
*If you choose this option, please write www.playragnarok2.com + your character name on a piece of paper and show it to the camera before performing your dance. Please perform an original dance.
-Group dances, in game footage or in real life (rule above still apply).
4. Please try your best to use music that is not copyrighted. This is not a requirement, but doing so would ensure that we get to see your video.
5. The videos have to be appropriate for all ages and relevant to the game.
There will be three Grand Prize winners, one for each of the following categories:
Best Dance: In Game Footage
Best Dance: Real Life Footage
Most Popular: The video with the most views
The Grand Prize includes a Super Large Bag, 10 Karniums, and the winner's choice of a permanent costume set (any costume set that has already been released in game prior to December 11th, 2013 are eligible). Only 1 Grand Prize per winning entry. *If you are the owner of a winning entry, and you would like the individual prizes to be sent to different accounts, please send Zanbee a request via forum private message.
Participation prize will be an Event Box. If your video has more than one participant, please list all the character names with the submission.
Winners will be determined by the WP Staff.
*Event date and prizes subject to change at anytime.