Today we introduced the Master Levels, an exciting and extensive way to improve your character with spending Mastery Points. One way to improve the gain of Mastery Points is with the Kafra Shop item "Master Battle Manual Orders", which give a 30 min 50% gain on Mastery Points from monsters.
We have listened to feedback about the duration and buff power and have decided on December 23rds maintenance to change the buff duration from 30min -> 24hour while retaining the 200pt price. To be totally fair and to thank all of you who have tried out the Master Battle Manual orders (MBMO) from December 18th implementation until that maintenance on the 23rd, we will give you 1 MBMO in return for each one you've purchased.
This basically means use a bunch now when they are at the shorter duration and we will give you free ones at the longer 24hour duration during the maintenance! So get some free ones on us this weekend!
Happy Holidays!