The End of the World in the modern day can be associated with war, unexplained forces, horrifying natural disasters, or even aliens. The End of the World in Norse Mythology is called Ragnarok, which is named for a great battle of which many notable figures perish and the world destroyed. Lucky for us, this fated day is happening this year on February 22nd. What better way to celebrate, than to start a new event highlighting this day!
Here are the rules:
1. You have to use a screenshot from in game. You may edit or decorate via picture editing software if you like.
2. If you are submitting a series of images, please do not send more than 5 at a time. The series of images have to be related to each other.
3. For each submission, please provide a short story or an explanation of what we are seeing (has to be over 50 words).
4. You may submit more than once, but only one prize per account. Only one participation prize allowed per entry.
5. Entries will be accepted via our Official Forum or in the Steam Event Entry thread. Please remember to include your character name.
6. All images have to be appropriate for people of all ages.
7. All images will be posted into a Facebook Album (those with a series of screenshots, only the first screenshot will be posted).
How Winners will be determined:
The Warpportal Staff will be choosing one winner for each of the following categories:
-Most Creative (Scenario)
-Most Artistic
The three winners will receive a Horse Head Accessory (2 slots) and a permanent Gongurat Rocket Mount. Participation prize will be an Event Super Puncher.