It's time to put your imaginations to the test as we bring to you our first Ragnarok 2 "Imagination Rules the World" Short Story contest!
1. The story has to be related to Ragnarok Online 2, or Norse Mythology.
2. All entries must include an image or screenshot that represents the story. These images will be gathered and posted to an album on our Facebook along with the stories. Submitting multiple images to go along with your story is allowed, but please limit the number of pictures to 10 images. (If you do not wish your story to go on FB, please state so in your entry).
3. The story has to be original, unpublished, and never been submitted before to other contests.
4. The story has to be written entirely by the person who submits it.
5. Entries have to be in English. In case the author is foreign, a translator may be used.
6. Entries need to have at least 300 words (English words, not letters) but no more than 3000 words.
7. All stories have to be age appropriate. Forum rules will apply to entries. No exceptions.
8. The event will not accept entries posted after 11:59pm March 31st. Please allow up to 2-3 weeks for judging and prizes.
9. Please use the following format when submitting:
Character Name:
Title of Short Story:
Image and then Short Story Entry
# of words:
10. Please submit your entries in our forum thread, or in our Steam Event Entry Thread.
Warpportal Staff members and the Volunteer Event Planners will judge the entries out of five stars on the following:
Originality (Have we read stories like this before? How is it different from the other entries? Are we likely to remember this story after we finished reading?)
Story Flow (How well did the story come together? Did we take several breaks in between reading because we got lost, or did everything just make sense from beginning to end?)
Interest Factor (Did it make us laugh, cry, or become afraid of the dark at night?)
Creativity (Is that the sun, or a massive fireball so powerful and gleaming that we all have to lower our eyes in its unearthly presence?)
*Points will be added together at the end of the judging period. In the case of ties, judges will rank the entries based on internal discussion.
The top 3 authors will win a permanent Fox and Wolf set.
There may be Honorable Mention winners (winning a Fox and Wolf Random Box)
Additionally, all participants will receive an Event Random Box, an Event Dye, and a 30 day accessory (tbd).
*Prizes, rules and dates subject to change at anytime.