*Subject to Change at anytime
1. Bug Fixes
a. Crecentia's Crucio skill causing players to be stuck and unable to be respawned has been fixed.
b. Bone Dragon Wings will now appear on female human characters.
c. Dark Whisper's Exit portal on the highest level will no longer be missing.
d. Bone Dragon Wings can now be searched in the Auction House.
2. Kafra Shop
a. Fusion Sale
The following items will be on sale from July 30 to August 13
-Appearance Maintain Slate: 150 KP
-Rune Maintain Slate: 150 KP
-Costume Fusion Tablet: 100 KP
-Accessory Fusion Tablet: 100 KP
b. Level Up Sale
The following items will be on sale from July 30 to August 27
-Master Battle Manual Order (SALE): 100 KP
3. Event
a. EXP Boost from July 30 - August 27
i. 30% EXP Boost from Monday to Friday
-July 30th (12:01am) ~ August 1st (3:59pm)
-August 4th (12:01am) ~ August 8th (3:59pm)
-August 11th (12:01am) ~ August 15th (3:59pm)
-August 18th (12:01am) ~ August 22 (3:59pm)
-August 25th (12:01am) ~ August 27th (11:59pm)
ii. 100% EXP Boost from Friday to Sunday
-August 1st (4:00pm) ~ August 3rd (11:59pm)
-August 8th (4:00pm) ~ August 10th (11:59pm)
-August 15th (4:00pm) ~ August 17th (11:59pm)
-August 22nd (4:00pm) ~ August 24th (11:59pm)