Patch Notes for 11/10/2014
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Pyramid Update
Phantom Pyramid: Thor's Drum
Myunel Exchange: Shiny Jewel
Set Effect: Thor's Drum + Shiny Jewel 11/10/2014 ~ 12/8/2014 (VIT 2%, ACC 2%, HIT 4%, CRI 2%)
New System
Guild Housing
Bug Fix
DoT pets can kill a player after a duel.
When an enemy stuns you while your attack skill is in progress: the damage is negated.
Sometimes it becomes impossible to sit down while you don't have a weapon equipped.
The dungeon warp button persists after quitting a party that entered a dungeon.
When running to a target, casting a skill will cause you to stop in place during the animation.
Expired costumes will sometimes show erroneous expired stat bonuses with buggy expiration dates.
The Morroc WoE Vaults show "Prontera Manager" inside instead of "Morroc Manager".
Invalid Party Bug: This bug occurs when changes to the party roster occur while a member is changing zones.
Whispers sent while changing channels or maps will appear to send, but will not come through on the other player's screen.
WoE: Guardians and players can attack players that are flying overhead through the WoE map.
Entering a bugged death state and then forcing a character select from the menu causes everything to be grey
When attempting to modify the zeny amount input in a field, only the digits before the leftmost comma are recalled.
WoE: Supplier of Eastern Fortress in Morroc WoE only has 1 HP.
Pump it Up Pills description error.
Changing the name of the Morroc WoE NPC "Mad Cloris to 'Ceres' Spore'.
Reinforcing 2 stacked cards gives a Trans ID error.
Kirkena Costume had a visual bug on female characters that should be resolved.