The card duplication exploit has been resolved. Thank you for your patience while we addressed the situation. Prior to the exploit being closed by development, players could duplicate card refine grades. Once we found the exploit method, Gravity was able to fix the issue on January 21, 2015. After this, we were able to capture all occurrences of the exploit being performed.
A total of 1133 accounts were involved in the exploit with a total of 5480 cards having artificial refines rates given to them.
Cases of low numbers of exploited card refines will not result in suspension as accidental use of the exploit was possible. A large portion of the accounts fall into this category and will be removed from suspension if already locked down. This will also protect players that tested the method to report it to support.
Accounts that produced copious amounts of exploited cards will be permanently suspended for clear intent to distribute, sell, and otherwise profit from these exploited cards. The worst offending cases will have suspensions issued and all accounts associated by IP address investigated.
For the 5,480 cards, the refine grade will be reverted back to the original 0 grade during our next maintenance. The duplication was of the refine grade, not the card itself, so those cards will be returned to normal.
Once again, thank you for your patience!