This week marks the beginning of the 4th season of Volunteer Community Representatives (VCRs). One of the changes this term is the addition of this weekly report, available for everyone to view. We hope it allows everybody to see what we have been doing, progress made, and challenges faced.
In addition to a short introduction, this report will include two major sections:
“Hot Topics & Known Issues” will list the current highly discussed items that we are aware of and working on.
“Bug Report Summary” will include bugs that we have reported in the last week, need more information for, and issues the VCRs reported that were marked as fixed in the current week’s patch notes.
Let’s begin with announcing the VCRs for this term:
Aphrodyae - Odin
Arbalist - Odin
ChronoJXF - Odin
DietSodaa - Freyja
donchan - Odin
Espiritista - Freyja
FlamePhantom - Odin
GarudaBlack - Odin
Kanhime - Odin
kevv - Odin
Kimichisu - Odin
Kuchys - Odin
Kyper - Odin
Leila - Odin
Likometa - Odin
Matsuyuki - Odin
Mishhan - Odin
Niiu - Odin
Raikuha - Odin
RitsukaAoyagi - Odin
SageLeaf - Odin
SaikanoxP4 - Odin
Sarasah - Odin
Suncor - Odin
Tamlen - Odin
Tonitrua - Odin
TouRyuu - Odin
VanillaCookies - Odin
xBezelheim - Odin
xZELLc - Freyja
Hot Topics & Known Issues
- Falling Damage is still a problem. Please see Needing More Information in the Bug Report Summary section for more details.
- Out of Range bug is still a problem. However, it has recently been reported again with a new list of videos and images to display the problem. We will continue to take videos and screenshots of new information as it is obtained.
- Class Balance: We will be taking a fresh look at class balance this term. This includes a new method of discussing and reporting the issues found, taking a new look at the skills (both functionally and mathematically) and stats of each class, how each class interacts with other classes, and the roles each class is intended to perform. In addition, the VCRs will be working closely with me, and members of Gravity’s development team (including the lead skill designer) will be checking it frequently.
- Eddga equipment: we are aware of community concerns with the equipment, especially concerning the following areas: offhand rune holes, stats, drop rate, token system.
- Ignatius equipment would be more interesting if it could be honed.
- Safe paths for walking in Forgotten Payon so players are able to get where they need to go.
- Daily Attendance is still buggy and the items need to be updated. We have submitted a request for different items from the calendar, and still need to figure out what is happening with the issue.
We have also received some feedback from Gravity on a few subjects:
- They are aware of the issues with Battle Tactics and are looking into ways to fix it. We are expecting to receive a test version soon so we can check the progress and provide input. This is in addition to our work to rebalance the classes.
- They are discussing removing Rune Enhancement Elixirs from the Kafra shop so they can be re-tuned now that the new system is available. Date for this is still unknown.
- They are interested in changing the Refine Transfer Ticket from a direct purchase item, and instead placing it in a box such as the Platinum Elite Box.
Bug Report Summary
Reported issues are given one of the following categories:
- Critical - these are bugs that have game-breaking implications, interfere with gameplay or combat (especially PvP), or are exploitable.
- Moderate - these bugs present an annoyance to users, may confuse or frustrate players that don't understand them, but don't have a major impact on gameplay.
- Minor - these bugs are mostly visual issues or quirks; they don't actually have any substantial impact on gameplay but should probably be fixed anyway.
- Tweak - this is a suggested change to an existing part of the game that isn’t working right. Tweaks are lower priority than Minor, but are still evaluated by the development team.
For certain issues, we may ask members of the community (you!) to help us gather some information. These will be listed under “Needing More Information” with a description of what is being requested. Work will continue on the issue as normal, but will go faster and/or be more beneficial to everybody with your input.
Recently Reported
- [Minor] PAB and Phantom Pyramid Spinels have same restrictions, but don’t stack. This was reported as a bag space inconvenience.
- [Minor] Some visual bugs with costume items: Queen Mask, Viking Cape, Recruit Costume, and Marine Casual.
- [Minor] “Strange Kid” on Prontera Area tokens is really named “Gabriel”
- [Minor] Fortress of Sandarman scarecrows attacking
- [Minor] Cazar gear not showing preview during dye process
- [Minor] Eddga Dual Daggers are facing the wrong direction
- [Minor] Craft screen’s level bar displaying job name and experience text twice
- [Minor] Heal skills not always displaying values healed
- [Minor] Issue where an incomplete Ymir transformation occurs
- [Moderate] Eddga Bible isn’t Bind on Equip like it should be
- [Moderate] Issue with Love Disrupter quest
- [Moderate] Issue with Jehoon Training Ground
- [Moderate] Issue with Dark Illusion causing the targeted monster to run to the spot you were
- [Moderate] Quest Start items don’t always activate properly
- [Moderate] Dark Whisper Upper and one of the Alberta portals face the player in the wrong direction when spawned. Other portals were reported fixed this week, so we’ve re-submitted the issue with these extra spots.
- [Moderate] Some skills can have a “silent cooldown” where the skill is on cooldown, but it is not displayed on the skill.
- [Critical] Slow effects from different skills stack.
Needing More Information
- [Moderate] Master Battle Manual Order (MBMO) name is confusing because it has two versions (24 hour and 30 minute), but the description doesn’t always specify how long it lasts. It has been suggested that the 30 minute item’s name be changed to “Expert Battle Manual Order” along with a new icon to avoid confusion. We would like the community’s input on this name change.
- [Critical] Fall Damage issue was returned to us because it needs more information. This was last reported to Gravity on February 26, but was returned on March 2 because the developers want more video evidence. Any videos the community would be able to provide will be included to assist in the search for this issue’s root cause.
Recently Fixed
- [Moderate] The cooldown for a mount's Boost skill should display correctly now. Fixed!
- [Moderate] Academy Portal, Izlude Cave, and Dayr Statue Portal should face the character the correct direction when they're done loading. Fixed!
- [Moderate] If you die to the Einherjar, they should all properly reset. Fixed!
- [Moderate] Guild UI should now show a player in Silent Corridor instead of Culvert of Abyss. Fixed!
- [Minor] Lapi's Shadow minions should properly display the correct portrait when clicked in Silent Corridor. Fixed!
Discuss it on the Official Forum Topic Here!
These reports are written by the Volunteer Community Representatives of Ragnarok 2.
All information representated are created and sent by the volunteer players part of that group.