Week 2: March 11, 2015
This week was very productive. A lot of bugs got reported, and more are in the process of gathering information for an official report. Progress has been made on discussing class skills, going over what is good and bad about each skill, and discussing ways to make everything more balanced. We expect to get those who wished to test into the test server by the end of this week. The test server will allow for checking skills under controlled circumstances as we check them for balance issues, as well as checking new or updated content for problems before it gets officially released. We are also looking at improving the testing cycles of patches so that new issues don’t slip through as easily.
Updates to VCR program members:
- Greven joined the program.
- Iskandar (Odin) joined the program.
- xBezelheim (Odin) changed his IGN to Decimated.
- Likometa (Odin) was removed from the program.
Hot Topics & Known Issues
- Card Dupe is under a constant re-investigation.
- A solution to Imoogi’s combat issue has been decided on. Gravity has decided that the battle restriction for water will be removed. This will be patched to the test server first, and we will be testing both the Imoogi boss and other areas that could potentially have water-related content for any problems that will arise from this fix.
Bug Report Summary
Reported issues are given one of the following categories:
- Critical - these are bugs that have game-breaking implications, interfere with gameplay or combat (especially PvP), or are exploitable.
- Moderate - these bugs present an annoyance to users, may confuse or frustrate players that don't understand them, but don't have a major impact on gameplay.
- Minor - these bugs are mostly visual issues or quirks; they don't actually have any substantial impact on gameplay but should probably be fixed anyway.
- Tweak - this is a suggested change to an existing part of the game that isn’t working right. Tweaks are lower priority than Minor, but are still evaluated by the development team.
For certain issues, we may ask members of the community (you!) to help us gather some information. These will be listed under “Needing More Information” with a description of what is being requested. Work will continue on the issue as normal, but will go faster and/or be more beneficial to everybody with your input.
Recently Reported
- [Critical] Messy Report: the Messy Report quest drop in Dark Whisper Lower will appear to have not counted if you log out before completing the quest. The quest will still complete properly if you complete all the parts.
- [Minor] Fail Invisible wall in Divided Plain: It's possible to bypass the NPC warp to Scar of Despair due to a flaw in the airlocks design.
- [Moderate] Escape while flying: Using the /escape command during a Kafra Flight gets the player stuck.
- [Critical] Silent cooldowns: some skills are under cooldown even though the icon does not display this. It occurs with certain skills under specific circumstances.
- [Minor] Magician skill prompts: Magician skill procs for Fire Emblem and Wind Emblem are inconsistent and confusing.
- [Minor] BM Fury Strike "F" Key Prompt: Fury Strike is in the prompt list because it used to require points. It no longer requires points and should be removed.
- [Minor] GreenSeed buffs cannot be cancelled: Shield and Cure buffs are not able to be disabled by the player.
- [Critical] Cannot Resurrect Dead Target: If you approach a dead player from too far away, they will show on your screen as standing and cannot be resurrected by skills or Yggdrasil Leaf
- [Moderate] Skills Disappear from Hotkeys
- [Minor] Payon’s Barrier Bug
- [Moderate] “Invalid Party” Error while in a party
- [Minor] Warp NPCs text doesn’t display correctly - this is mostly a localization issue that was reported to make the popups easier to understand.
- [Minor] Warrior School Cape can be dyed, but doesn’t change color
- [Moderate] Dayr Sidequest Temple Book: this issue was supposedly fixed this week, but still needs more work.
- [Minor] Visual issue with Eddga Monk equipment where the knuckle does not display properly.
- [Minor] Short Distance Kafra flights can cause characters to hold their weapons strangely.
- [Minor] Brygan Ore quest NPCs are not consistent - specifically, you can turn in the quest from five Repair Experts named Alex, but turn it in at only four.
- [Minor] Long Distance Flight from Morroc displays West Mt. Mjolnir, but (correctly) takes you to East Mt. Mjolnir.
- [Minor] Taking a Long Distance Flight to East Mt. Mjolnir places the character among aggressive Needle Fabre.
- [Moderate] Card Coating paper from Himmelmez Tokens is not working properly
- [Minor] Searching Auction House for “Cat” is not working as expected. The costume named “Cat” is unable to be found by searching.
- [Minor] “Superior DNA Random Box” is missing from the Auction House’s auto-complete list. It will still appear in a search for “DNA Random Box”
Needing More Information
- [Critical] Fall Damage issue was returned to us because it needs more information. This was last reported to Gravity on February 26, but was returned on March 2 because the developers want more video evidence. Any videos the community would be able to provide will be included to assist in the search for this issue’s root cause.
Recently Fixed
- “Strange Kid” NPC is really named Gabriel: This refers to the Prontera Area gear tokens from level 50 raids.
- Jehoon Chakra is no longer able to be stored.
- Visual bug with not being able to see back accessories with Wedding Dress costume has been fixed.
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These reports are written by the Volunteer Community Representatives of Ragnarok 2.
All information representated are created and sent by the volunteer players part of that group.