Are you on twitter? We are and we’re inviting you to join us in the #RO2 conversation!
This event runs from April 2 to April 30. Warm up those tweeting fingers, folks! Whenever you feel like tweeting about RO2- recruiting guildmates, beating the RNG gods, or feeling salty over that last round of colo- don’t forget to use the hashtag #RO2 when you get in game!
#RO2 Hastag used 200 times in Tweets = 1 Storage Slot Expansion
#RO2 Hastag used 300 times in Tweets= 1 +5 Weapon Refine Stone
#RO2 Hastag used 400 time in Tweets= 10x Thief Potions
#RO2 Hastag used 500 times in Tweets=1 +10 Weapon Refine Stone
#RO2 Hastag used 600 times in Tweets= A 14-day Elite VIP Card
Items will go out to all accounts active during the event period (so make sure you’ve played in April to qualify!)
These achievements stack so if 600 people use the #RO2 hastag between now and April 30th, everyone who qualifies will receive each reward listed! Items will be distributed after May 4th’s update.
But that’s not all! New followers also mean EXP boosts!
500 New Twitter Followers = 2x EXP Boost
1000 New Twitter Followers = 3x EXP Boost
1500 New Twitter Followers = 4x EXP Boost
2000 New Twitter Followers = 5x EXP Boost
2500 New Twitter Followers = 6x EXP Boost
EXP boosts will begin on May 6th and run until June 1st, so tell your guildmates and friends!