June Platinum Membership Pack 2000 KP
June Gold Membership Pack 900 KP
May 30 Day Mount SALE 280 KP
May Premium Mount Box SALE 70 KP
All old Rune Elixirs will be exchangeable for Chance Coupon from NPC Myunel for 2 weeks.
Players can purchase the new lowest grade rune elixirs using Chance Coupons for 2 weeks as well.
Changes to the Event Reward Random Box II:
Rune of Strength Enhancement Elixir > Lowest Grade Rune of STR Elixir
Rune of Dexterity Enhancement Elixir > Lowest Grade Rune of AGI Elixir
Rune of Intelligence Enhancement Elixir > Lowest Grade Rune of INT Elixir
Rune of Will Enhancement Elixir > 1 Chance Coupon
Rune of Health Enhancement Elixir > 2 Chance Coupons
RO1 costumes with additional stat point options have been updated to only be obtainable through costume fusion. Stat version RO1 costumes will no longer be available for sale in boxes. Boxes that contain the stat-ed versions currently in game will not be impacted by this change.
Dapara Week Ends.
Anniversary Event Ends.