Welcome to Jawaii!
- All New Maps (Ocean Island, Love Island, and Jawaii Wonderland)
- A special world event to unlock the raid dungeon!
- The new Seal of Guardian System!
- A new raid dungeon, Jawaii Wonderland!
- Get to Master Level 40!
- Cards, Gear, and more!
Please note that the following bosses will be unreachable until bugs are resolved with their encounter:
Gravity expects these bosses to return in September
Sale Period: August 10 - October 5, 2015
Jawaii Costume Box
Celebrate Jawaii with a random costume box that has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Beach Memory (Female)
- Vacance (Male)
- Palm Tree (Female)
- Palm Tree (Male)
- Wedding Dress (Female)
- Tuxedo (Male)
- Mushroom Costume (Female)
- Mushroom Costume (Male)
Jawaii Back Accessory Box
Celebrate Jawaii with a random back accessory box that has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Home Made Ice Cream Bar
- Somebody's Shell
- Higashi's Fish
- Father Puipui
- Developer Pukui
- Advanseed Vadonbebe
- One Man Band
Jawaii Hat Box
Celebrate Jawaii with a random hat box that has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Red Squid
- Tongtong Pukui
- Pinky Fat Pukui Hat
- Flip Hat
- Gill Helm
- Pincer Pin
- Octopus Head
- Big Fish
- Shark Hat
- Beach Hat (female only)
Jawaii Face Accessory Box
Celebrate Jawaii with a random face accessory box that has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Stylish Sunglasses
- Snorkel
- Reed Pipe
- Swimming Goggles
- Beach Shades
- Red Sunglasses
- Shy
- Shiny Jewel
Special Jawaii Sale!
Sale Period: August 10 - August 31, 2015
Item Name | Kafra Points |
Blessing Powder | 60 |
Blessing Powder (x5) | 250 |
Blessing Powder (x10) | 500 |
Infinium | 60 |
Infinium (x5) | 250 |
Infinium (x10) | 500 |
Lucky Powder | 60 |
Lucky Powder (x5) | 250 |
Lucky Powder (x10) | 500 |
Honing Polish Assault Cube | 30 |
Honing Polish Guardian Cube | 30 |
Honing Polish Potent Cube | 30 |
Honing Polish PvP Cube | 30 |
Honing Polish Robust Cube | 30 |
Complete Honing Scrub (5+1) | 250 |
Master Battle Manual Order | 50 |
Master Battle Manual Box (x5) | 200 |
Master Battle Manual Box (x10) | 400 |
Rune Remover | 100 |
Card Album | 250 |
Card Designated Synthesis | 100 |
Card Designated Synthesis Papers Bundle Box (x5) | 600 |
Phantom Stone | 50 |
Phantom Stone (x5) | 200 |
Phantom Stone (x10) | 400 |
Job Level Jumping Box (Lv50) | 750 |
Class Level Jumping Item (Lv50) | 750 |
Jumping Box (Class and Job Lv50) | 1350 |
New Platinum and Munil Costume and Accessory Boxes!
August Platinum Costume Box (Prisoner)
800 KP
This box contains:
- Prisoner Uniform
- Norn's Blessing (+5% STR/INT/AGI, Physical and Magic Attack +2000 for 28 days)
- The Chance Coupon
August Platinum Accessory Box (Prisoner)
400 KP
This box contains:
- Pocky Hat
- Midgard's Grace (+ 20 STR/INT/AGI, Max HP +500, Max SP +300, Item Drop Rate +30% for 28 days)
- The Chance Coupon
August Munil Costume Box
450 KP
The August Munil Costume Box has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Palm Tree Costume
- Beach Memory
- Vacance
- Marine Casual Look
- Ocean Commander Uniform
- The Chance Coupon
August Munil Accessory Box
225 KP
The August Munil Accessory Box has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Foxtail
- Match
- Lollipop Stick
- Rice Paste
- Palm Tree head
- Beach Hat
- Beach Shades
- Snorkel
- Marine Casual Cap
- Ocean Commander Tar Bucket
- The Chance Coupon
Costume Fusion Sale for One Week!
Sale Period: August 10 - August 17, 2015
Accessory Fusion Tablet
Costume Fusion Tablet
Appearance Maintain Slate
Rune Maintain Slate
VIP Sale for One Week!
Sale Period: August 10 - August 17, 2015
July Platinum Membership Pack
SALE 1400 KP
July Gold Platinum Pack
Event Period: August 10 - August 24, 2015
Use your Chance Coupons to purchase these Jawaii-themed costume and accessory boxes!
Event Period: August 10 - August 31, 2015
Players who log at least ten hours per week will get a free Power Up Box to help them on their adventure!
Event Period: August 10 - October 5, 2015
Players that recruit their friends to play RO2 using our Friends with Benefits program during the event period will earn a Friends with Benefits box.
Event Period: August 10 - August 31, 2015
If you are a returning player who has not played in a while, we're giving you a box to help you get back on your feet and enjoy the new content!
Dapara’s EXP Week
Event Period: August 10 - August 17, 2015
200% EXP on Weekdays
500% EXP on Weekends (Friday 17:00 - Monday 12:00)
Dapara will appear in Morroc City selling items for MP:
Skill Reset Scroll |
50000 MP |
Stat Reset Scroll |
50000 MP |
Explorer Package |
15000 MP |
Spinel |
6500 MP |
Hornbill Rein (3 days) |
15000 MP |
Applied Element – No Element |
15000 MP |
Divine Protection |
1000 MP |
Master Battle Manual Order |
2000 MP |
Elite Membership Card (1 Day) |
50000 MP
Event is ending with this maintenance period!
All rice cake items involved in the event will also be removed. Rice Cakes will be removed during August 17 maintenance
- Error message "Dungeon is Full" appears when only 4 of 5 party members are in the dungeon.
- Players are able to exploit siege weaponry in WoE to use skills at the same time.
- If you time a "/escape" use at the right time right before dying, you'll be warped to a random place as a corpse
- WoE: Siege weapons are being healed to 100% randomly.
- WoE Emperiums and Jehoon Statues will have debuffs removed before their duration is over.
- WoE: Guilds are able to remove damage of time and debuffs to emperium.
- Sometimes when respawning at a kafra save you load in at 0hp/sp similar to the old crucio bug
- Viewing a player who died, walking away, and back sometimes show them as alive with 0 HP.
- If you complete Love Disruptor quest, but change characters before turning in, it will show you didn't complete it.
- Eddga Claw: When equipped left claw will sometimes have different visuals
- If you die with movement speed changes and revive with spinel, you keep all the speed bonuses until you change movement.
- Quest "Eternal peace for the poor souls" can revert if you relog after getting the item, "Messy Report".
- Warrior: Bowling Bash should gain 2 Aura, which should give 10-37 Rage, but only generates 5-20 Rage.
- If you manage to time a skill to be used on a mob that dies from a different attack or DoT; you'll get an error.
- Problem: Butterfly Wings display CD based on vigor, but actual CD is always the base time of 10 minutes.
- If you are flying with Kafra and write /escape, you get stuck inside the ground.
- Buff skills while take hiding players out of hide if in Ymir form, but not if outside Ymir form.
- Players could create a guild name that a space in the front or the end.
- Targeted skills display Out of Range at one spot, but Beast Tornado still hits.
- Sometimes, skills disappear from hotkey bar when logging in to a character
- Southern bridge in Divided Plains causes players to fall through the bridge and die.
- Creamy picture icon is not showing properly
- Protect Faolo quest: Some players cannot take quest
- Damage inflicted by Summoned Water aqua is not showing in Combat Tab.
- Joser "Bible" Crafting requires Pillarnium POWDER unlike the rest of the Joser equipment requiring Pillarnium Fragments
- Khara missions permanently locked
- Wrong Job Name for Ron Caeser in DWL
- Royal Rose Costume's color and dye options are a little off.
- Warrior School Cape is Dyeable but has no dye result
- Knight B Rank - Missing Conversation
- +80 Bind Runes cannot be inserted into Eddga Accessories.
- Custom shortcut keys sharing to unassigned slots on character change
- Combat Log Parry Bug
- Set Effect Flower Umbrella + Lollipop
- Players experiencing an "Out of Range" error.
- Players will sometimes experience 'Skill cannot be used on target in colo' error in Colosseum.
- Hiding: when used while RO1 Assassin Cross costume is equipped, some of the costume will vanish.
- Once a Knock down state is over, the Nepenthes enemy will reset and HP will be restored.
- Jack the Ripper Hat is Dyeable but has no dye result
- Cresent Moon Bug (Rogue Skill)
- Moonlight Flower is not animating or shown in a natural position during her introduction cutscene.
- Cresent Moon fracture debuff now disables HoTs and DoTs
- Item Descriptions don't wrap or wrap differently between clients
- Deluge HP Bug
- Colosseum: Can put lvl 50 Gear on non 50 Chars
- Over 100% Damage Reduction Heal/Damage
- Sorcerer Memorize Bug
- Ocean Commander Costume Visual Bug on Female Noels
- Sometimes when you use Dark Illusion on a monster, it will move towards to original position of the character instead of staying
- Gap Closing Bug
- Dungeon Monster Reset Bug
- There are two options for Card Coating Paper when searching the Auction House.
- If you use a Freezing skill, like Frost Diver, against Rudbeckia or Stellaria, the battle state will end immediately
- Players using languages other than Thai cannot see Thai players messages.
- Various quest issues after July 21 patch
- Middle face accessories do not display while wearing the Santa Beard accessory.
- Mugwort Rice Cake Buff
- Bind Rune Elixir and Powder Icons are Reversed
- [Jehoon] Return Scroll Storeable
- Loading Screen Cooldown Bug
- NPC Monster/Monster that needs to be killed are not appearing
- Class Changes don't work
- Guard John's Quests bugged
- Raising Peco Peco quest does not provide 2 Line Capture Mallet
- Quest: "Delivery Person(2)" is not giving items to complete the quest
- Jupitel Thunder Mastery Bug
- Rejuvenate + Stealth Bug
- RO1 Ninja Style Visual bug for Alternates
- Warrior: When battle leap is used while on mount warrior does not leap to correct loction.
- When purchasing equipment with MP at the Morroc NPC Jado, items sometimes become un-buyable
- It looks like the strings for certain Khara missions have changed to Noel skills for some reason.
- The item "[Quest Starter] Rare Jellopy" continues to drop for players after the quest has been completed.
- Party buffs given by Soulmakers (Impositio Manus and Transpersonal)disappear when party member disconnects and reconnects to game
- Daily Quest Timer Resetting Untaken quests.
- From 00:00 to 06:00 (server time) dailies show up as available, but can't be accepted.
- Sometimes union quests won't be able to be started.
- Philippines Flag Cape is displaying a state of war.
- Out of Range and Do Not Have Enough Time to Cast This Skill To Use
- The Asiatic Black Bear mount makes a quacking sound when it jumps.
- Stun Damage Negation & Cooldown Bug
- Assassin Sanctum Eremes HP Bugged 10%
- Players with only numeric names cannot be kicked in-game or using the tool.
- Invisible Imoogi Bug
- The effect description for Green Runes when they're in the equipment is missing
- Frost Nova Range Bug
- Grey World Bug
- Flying Death Bug
- Perpetual Combat Bug
- Costume RO1 Bard & Dancer on July Lucky Box
- Multi-Level Ground AoE Bug
- Lightning Walk & Shadow Assault Teleportation Bug
- Modify Zeny Amount Bug
- Dungeon Warp Button Bug
- Skill Jumping Bug