Seal of Guardian System
All professions can now make "Seal of Guardian" items. These items, when used to seal an accessory, will grant the accessory with random stats. But beware! The stats could be positive, or they could be negative.
There are two grades of Seal:
- Low Grade Seal
- Seal of Vulcan (Blacksmith)
- Seal of Berielle (Artisan)
- Seal of Hoenheim (Alchemist)
- Seal of Demeter (Chef)
- Normal Grade Seal
- Seal of Guardian (can be made by all professions)
All of the Low Grade Seals will be capable of producing the same results.
Sealing must be performed at a specific NPC, who is located on Jawaii Love Island next to Kafra Services. This NPC will charge a tax to perform the sealing. A pre-existing sealing can be directly overwritten if you want to seal the accessory again. Sealing charge for a Low Grade Seal is 100 zeny, and the charge for a Normal Grade Seal is 500 zeny + 100 master points (MP).
Low Grade Seals and Normal Grade Seals differ in two more ways:
- Low Grade Seals will have a lower chance of Powerful or Regular abilities, and an increased chance of Poor ability.
- Low Grade Seals will have less stat possibilities than a Normal Grade Seal.
- Of the stat possibilities that are available to both, the values remain constant.
To Craft a Low Grade Seal
You will need to obtain the proper design for your class. The designs are available from the merchant in Jawaii. You will need 3 items to craft a Low Grade Seal:
- Empty Seal (x1)
- These can be obtained by doing specific single-mode dungeons, which will be auto-balanced to level. The single mode is limited to 3 times per day.
- Regular Ingredient based on your profession (Memory of Vulcan OR Memory of Berielle OR Memory of Hoenheim OR Memory of Demeter) (x3)
- These can only be obtained by disassembling profession-crafted items.*
- Trace of Guardian (x5)
- These can only be obtained by disassembling profession-crafted items.*
*Dissemble will not work on profession materials, even if they were crafted (such as Ingots, Leather, Fabric, and Herbs).
To Craft a Normal Grade Seal
You will need to obtain the proper design for your class. The designs are available from the merchant in Jawaii. You will need 5 materials to craft a Normal Grade Seal:
- Seal of Vulcan (x2)
- Seal of Berielle (x2)
- Seal of Hoenheim (x2)
- Seal of Demeter (x2)
- Trace of Guardian (x10)
For the Seals of other professions, you will need to obtain them from a character of that profession through trade.
One of our Volunteer Community Representatives, Raikuha, made a brief guide to show you how it works in game: