Ragnarok 2's Black Friday Sale!
Sale Period: November 23 - November 30, 2015
Many items will be up to 50% off their normal price for this week!
October Mounts are on sale for one week!
Sale Period: November 23 - November 30, 2015
Premium Mount Box (Phantom Racer)
SALE Price: 70 Kafra Points
This box has a chance to drop one of the following:
- Phantom Racer (Permanent)
- Phantom Racer (14 days)
- Black Tiger Reins (14 days)
- Tiger Reins (14 days)
- White Tiger Reins (14 days)
- Nippy Peco Peco Rein (14 days)
- Noble Peco Reins (14 days)
Phantom Racer Reins (30 days)
SALE Price: 280 Kafra Points
Sale Period: November 23 - December 21, 2015
Price: 300 Kafra Points
Winter Nights Costume Box has a chance to drop one of the following:
Winter Nights Accessory Box
Price: 200 Kafra Points
Winter Nights Accessory Box has a chance to drop one of the following:
The Phantom Thief and Detective pieces have a 2 and 3 set piece effects:
(2) +5 STR/AGI/INT/WIS/VIT, +30% drop rate chance, +50 Physical and Magical Attack, and +12.5% Physical and Magical Attack
Winter Nights is here!
Event Period: November 23 - December 21, 2015
Find Brenna in Prontera to begin a series of Winter Nights quests.
Complete main quests and daily quests to earn Sif's Favor tokens.
Turn in your Favors to Ragnar back in Prontera to turn in Sif's Favor tokens for special items!
Trade 35 Sif's Favor for Viking Armor (M/F)
Trade 25 Sif's Favor for Horned Viking Helm (M/F)
Trade 25 Sif's Favor for Viking Cape (M/F)
Old Sif's Favor can be traded for new Sif's Favor at Ragnar.
Catch Up Event!
Event Period: November 23 - November 30, 2015
Dapara's EXP buffs will be extended through November 30!
Midgardians can expect the following EXP boosts:
- 200% EXP on Weekdays
- 500% EXP on Weekends (Friday 17:00 - Monday 12:00)
Note: Increased EXP is from monster kills and crafting only.
In addition, there will be no Mastery Points lost upon death for the week!
The Phantom Pyramid will now have a Super Large Bag!
An Ultra Super Large Bag will replace the existing back accessory on the current Phantom Pyramid on the 7th Floor.
The Ultra Super Large Bag has a capacity of 35 slots!
Stay tuned for details about a new Pyramid system coming in December 2015!
- Ttoki Pet dancing buff will only apply to party members, and should hopefully not force the unwilling into dancing fits from here on.
- Ant/Venomer spawns in Hell of Deadly Poisons have been quelled and should not respawn as quickly. Also, event items should no longer drop from minion NPCs.
- Serenia's Spear had an incorrect refinement glow and its been resolved
- Female Noels should now be able to wear the Afro Hair (30 days) accessory and have it show properly.