Patch Notes January 25, 2016
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 6pm-10pm PST (~4 hours)
Episode 3: Reidin Kerse
Solo Dungeon
Morph into your favorite hunter and battle your way through the Hell of Deadly Poison! Use Kerse's skill with a gun to defeat familiar foes and earn new prizes!
Aura Effects
The Mysterious Leprechaun has discovered a way to imbue an aura into your favorite body (chest) armor piece! These auras can be applied to chest armor items. Aura can be applied to Vanity Costumes, but the aura will be lost if that item is used for transmogrification. Transmogrify Vanity Costumes onto your target item before using the aura item. Vanity Costumes, such as the Black Magic Master set, can be obtained through Cheny using Diamonds or the Vanity Merchant using Piece of Loki's Vanity.
New Cheny Rewards and Black Magic Master vanity set!
Cheny has updated her rewards:
Adventurers can acquire Cheny's new Sunshine Box for a chance to receive the Black Magic Master vanity set!
Wanted Scroll Vendors
The Kingdom of Rune-Midgarts has put out Wanted Scrolls for the most dangerous monsters within their lands, and are offering a Diamond reward for adventurers to go and slay them!
To avoid indisciminate hunting, a small commision of diamonds is required from the adventurer to purchase the scroll, but the payout is even larger!
Find the following Wanted Scroll vendors in these locations:
Valencia in West Mt. Mjolnir
Lloyd in Prontera
Victoria in Alberta
Izaak in Morroc City
The Lunar Festival is here!
Event Period: January 25, 2016 - February 22, 2016
An Icy wind has blown in from the North! Monsters are freezing around Rune-Midgarts and inhabitants need your help to deal with this cold snap!
Collect bottled lightening from the main and daily quests to trade in for items!
Start your quest journey at NPC Gale in Prontera with a level 15 character or higher.
Find NPC Huginn in the center of Prontera to exchange your bottled lightning for items.
Yule Festival Santa Buff Items and Buffs
The Santa Buff Items and existing buffs will be removed during tonight's maintenance.
Lunar Festival Boxes are here!
Shop Period: January 25, 2016 - February 22, 2016
This will have a random chance to drop one of the following costumes:
This will have a random chance to drop one of the following accessories:
This will have a random chance to drop one of the following mounts:
Some items are moving from the Kafra Shop to the Cheny Vendor
The following items are being removed from the Kafra Shop:
They will be available in Cheny's Sunshine Box from Cheny in Prontera:
Honing Items are on sale for a limited time!
Sale Period: January 25, 2016 - February 1, 2016
January Lucky Box is on sale for one week only!
Sale Period: January 25, 2016 - February 1, 2016
SALE Price: 210 Kafra Points
Changes have been made to GreenSeed runes. In an attempt to combat an imbalance in combat, the strength of GreenSeed runes, aside from Wind, have been halved. Additionally, GreenSeed runes are no longer able to be equipped in offhand weapons.
Read the complete list of changes here!
ChungLimSa Rune Balance
ChungLimSa Runes will be reduced to +3% for both attack and defense.