We are happy to announce the inclusion of Indonesia into the
Warpportal Ragnarok Online 2 Family!
In the next month we will be working to get the Indonesian population merged into our server. Here is a quick break down of what to expect.
1. What does this mean for everyone?
For our Indonesian players we will begin the process of transferring accounts starting now. In order to do this we will need you to please visit our page at:
Please make sure to opt in as soon as possible. Any accounts not transferred by the close date will be lost.
For our current players, this will means some new friends to experience Ragnarok Online 2 with.
2. What are the limitations?
3. When will the Indonesian servers officially be shut down?
Current date is set for May 17th, 2016.
4. When will we close cash refill service end?
April 27th, 2016
5. Server Merge Date
May 18th, 2016
6. Other guidelines of note.
Schedule | Date |
Merge page goes live. | April 12th, 2016 |
Close of cash refill service | April 27th, 2016 |
Auction House will be closed | April 27th, 2016 |
IN RO2 Server Shut down | May 17th, 2016 |
Merge date | May 18th, 2016 |
Update: Here is a list of the items that are currently restricted and will not be transferred with the character.
RO1 Taekwon Style(Man)
RO1 Ninja Style(Woman)
RO1 Gunslinger Style(Woman)
RO1 Bard Style(Man)
Reckless Adventurer Potion VI
Beautiful Poet Potion VI
Researching Scholar Potion I
Researching Scholar Potion VI
Mighty General Potion VI
Ruthless STR ategist Potion IV
Ruthless STR ategist Potion VI
Angel's Kiss
Tiger Balm
N.E. 89 Python Whiskey
Ambrosia Essence
Poison Stash Bomb
Purification Fire
Lucky Draw Box
Lucky Coin
Emergency Bomb No.99 Bundle Box (5 pcs)
Black Spinel
RO&RO2 Happy Event Box 2
1st Winner RBT 2015
2nd Winner RBT 2015