Patch Notes December 5, 2016
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 3pm-7pm PDT (~4 hours)
Cosmetic Fusion System Update Guide
December 2016
Fusing your favorite costumes has just gotten a lot easier! In this Cosmetic Fusion System Update, you can decide what you would like the outcome of your fusion to be. All cosmetic items, including back, face accessories, head/hat items, and body costumes are fused using the same tablet. Use this tablet to combine any normal cosmetic items together to create the type of costume you need!
Major Changes
New Fusion Window
Right click the Cosmetic Fusion Tablet to gain access to the Fusion Tablet window.
New Tablet
Cosmetic Fusion Tablet: Use this tablet to fuse two cosmetic items together for a chance at more runeholes or a random costume! Use special charms to influence fusion for a special result!
What it Does: Right click this tablet to open the Fusion Tablet window. This tablet is required for every fusion attempt and is consumed upon fusing the items.
New Charms
Appearance Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to retain the appearance of the selected costume!
What it Does: Allows you to retain the costume type, but does not transfer over things like color dyes. For example, use this charm to make sure your Octopus Head stays an Octopus Head after fusion. When you use the charm, both costume items will have a blue glow around them:
Once you've selected a costume to retain the appearance of, it will glow with a new border:
You can select either costume item to retain the appearance of. This charm can be used with Rune Fusion Charm.
Rune Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to retain your runes and have a chance at more runeholes!
What it Does: This charm allows you to preserve your existing runes and runeholes in one costume item. When used with an Appearance Fusion Charm, the runes that will be preserved will be the same as the costume that you select to preserve the appearance of. Existing runes will be transferred over. You do not need to have runeholes punched or filled in the costume to have the runeholes transfer. This charm provides a BONUS chance to receive additional runeholes.
Magic Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to have a chance to get a Cheny cosmetic item! This charm is only available through the Cheny Shop.
What it Does: This charm allows you to use two normal costume items to have a chance at a Cheny item. Cheny cosmetic items, such as Kafra Ruby or Swag, cannot be used in normal fusion. This charm increases the chance that you will receive one of these magic costume items in fusion. This charm cannot be combined with other charms.
Head Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to receive a head slot item!
What it Does: This charm allows you to combine any two normal cosmetic items in order to create a new head slot item. The head slot items are the upper head, or hat, slot. This charm can be combined with Rune Fusion Charm to increase your chance at receiving runeholes or to transfer existing runes/runeholes to a new type of costume.
Lower Face Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to receive a lower face slot item!
What it Does: This charm allows you to combine any two normal cosmetic items in order to create a new lower face slot item. This charm can be combined with Rune Fusion Charm to increase your chance at receiving runeholes or to transfer existing runes/runeholes to a new type of costume.
Face Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to receive a face slot item!
What it Does: This charm allows you to combine any two normal cosmetic items in order to create a new (middle) face slot item. This charm can be combined with Rune Fusion Charm to increase your chance at receiving runeholes or to transfer existing runes/runeholes to a new type of costume.
Top Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to receive a face slot item!
What it Does: This charm allows you to combine any two normal cosmetic items in order to create a new top slot item. The top slot is the chest or body costume item. This charm can be combined with Rune Fusion Charm to increase your chance at receiving runeholes or to transfer existing runes/runeholes to a new type of costume.
Back Fusion Charm: Use this charm with a Cosmetic Fusion Tablet in order to receive a back slot item!
What it Does: This charm allows you to combine any two normal cosmetic items in order to create a new back slot item. This charm can be combined with Rune Fusion Charm to increase your chance at receiving runeholes or to transfer existing runes/runeholes to a new type of costume.
Charm Notes
PVP Attack and Defense Formula Update
We've adjusted how the PvP Attack and Reduction is caculated in order to help balance PvP and reduce the stat creep in the game. Previously, you would get a flat, linear increase to your PvP Attack and Reduction with each new rune and hone you were able to put onto your gear. This worked out well at level 50 when there was only so many PvP runeholes. Since the introduction of honing and purple runeholes, this availability increased by a lot without any change to the PvP stat. We are introducing a new way of calculating the stat that will give it diminishing returns if its stacked too high.
Here is how the new stat system should work:
This should allow you to get more PvP stats in the beginning, but you will reach a point where adding more will not be as effective anymore. You can still choose to stack it if PvP is your thing, you just won't be able to get at or above 100%.
Event Period: December 5, 2016 - January 16, 2017
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It's the perfect time to say a hearty, "Ho Ho Ho!"
Some old and new Holiday celebrants are coming to help all the adventurers celebrate their holidays. Gift giving, decorations, and festivities will be the order of the day this Holiday Season in Ragnarok 2!
To start the holiday quests, be sure to look for NPC Dasher in Prontera on December 5th! |
To start the Yule Festival Quests, look for Dasher in Prontera! You have to be level 15 before you can start the quest.
Complete the quest and earn Lutie Snowflakes!
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Exchange the Lutie Snowflakes at the Stray Fairy for holiday themed costumes and consumables!
Additionally, if you are level 50, there are two new Yule Festival dailies that can be completed. Finish the quests from Rudolf (in Prontera) and Santa Claus (in a cave behind Donner and Blitzen), and automatically receive a brand new holiday themed Khara Title with the following stat increases. |
Santa's Wrapping Paper has been stolen!
In order to celebrate the Yule Festival, Santa Claus is busy preparing gift boxes for children.
Unfortunately, after a sudden surprise attack from monsters, all of Santa's gifts lost their wrapping paper!
In order to assist Santa, help him get rid of the monsters that attacked him and take back the stolen Wrapping Papers.
You can donate Wrapping Paper, or exchange with certain items from Santa Claus in Prontera (next to Myunel).
If donated Wrapping Papers reach a certain amount, Santa will start to sell Upgraded Buff Items!
Santa's Exchange List:
Use a Santa Poring Warp Scroll to enter the new event dungeon! The scroll has a 6 hour cooldown once used.
Items from Santa Claus's vendor list:
Get a Santa Poring's Gift Box for a chance to drop one of these items:
Event Period: December 5, 2016 - December 12, 2016
Happy Hour Boxes drop four times a day:
Players have a chance to get an additional box drop during this time by farming monsters within a five level range of the player that will randomly pop out a useful item.
New Fusion Items!
Our Yule Festival Boxes are here!
Shop Period: December 5, 2016 - January 16, 2017
Celebrate the Yule Festival this year with these themed costumes, accessories, mounts, and title box!
And if you're having trouble getting all of your Lutie items for the unique Yule Festival titles, you can always supplement your daily quests and drops by purchasing a Yule Festival Box!
Our December Munil Boxes are also here!
Shop Period: December 5 - December 28, 2016
Looking for cosmetic fodder for our new fusion system? Look no further! You can also wear these costumes and accessories on your character, if you're into that sort of thing.
December's Lucky Box is in the shop!
Shop Period: December 5 - December 28, 2016
Battle the RNG gods and have a chance at one of these December Lucky Box items!
- Speedhack Detection is being added to and allows us to detect more thoroughly if users are violating the game laws of speed and time
- Damage-over-time debuffs will be removed from players once they exit the following maps: Prontera Battlefield, Morroc Fortress, Colosseum, PvP Arena, and Jehoon's Training Site
- Flying Robberbug has been added to Culvert N and H
- Sand Mane Leader re-spawn time was very inconsistent, so we changed it to re-spawn properly
- Wonderland difficulty blocks were inconsistent. Entry for all difficulties have been changed to level 50.
- PvP Damage Increase/Decrease stats have been modified. New formual is (PVP)/(PVP+.55). PVP will display this new change in character UI.
- Savage and Tame Kelberop Mount Box items and descriptions have been updated for Thai, Japanese, and Taiwan versions of the game
- Zombie Mask not working with Appearance Maintain Slte and a bug with 3 runehole head accessories having random fusion issues have been resolved with the new fusion system