Patch Notes April 12, 2017
Please note: Details are subject to change at any time.
Weekly Maintenance Time: 3pm-7pm PDT (~4 hours)
Long, long ago, in the places we now know as Sograt Desert and Dayr Desert, existed a large and prosperous empire. This was the Solvive Empire, which was ruled by the just and attentive Osiris. Outsiders brought their own beliefs to Solvive, including the two sects known as the Synod of The Dawn and the Twilight Vanguard. These sects worshiped different goddesses. The Synod of the Dawn gave devotion to Sol, the one who bore the heat and the light of day for Midgard. The Twilight Vanguard worshiped Nott, the goddess of the night and darkness. Members of both sects provided animal sacrifices to their goddesses, praying that these offerings would strengthen their chosen deity. Members of the opposing sects were in conflict. The sects fought for their own interests, for longer days or nights. Growing tired of these incessant conflicts, the Solvive Empire ordered both sects to be banished from the kingdom. The Synod and Vanguard were cast from the desert, but the countless statues sculpted in honor of their goddesses left an indelible mark on the landscape.
Centuries have passed since the reign of the Solvive Empire, and little has changed. Decades before Surt escaped his seal in Morroc, there was an event that was marked forever in history. For weeks, the night did not appear in Midgard. Historians refer to this period as the "Neverending Sun". Wilted by the endless days, the Synod of The Dawn took responsibility for the neverending sun and proposed a peace agreement with the vanguard of Twilight. The group leaders at the time, Raymond Bazerald for the Synod and Azoth Hinori for the Vanguard, agreed that they would cease their fighting and would dedicate themselves to returning the balance between night and day. In the time after this accord was struck, the nights days and nights have returned to normal and both sects have existed peacefully.
311 years after the Day of Despair, the Synod of The Dawn and the Twilight Vanguard have returned to the Dayr Desert for the first time since their banishment-- and they are recruiting new members. Although the statues of their goddesses have been rendered unrecognizable by the harsh passage of time, their passion and devotion to their goddesses has flourished.
Goddesses Quests have been added to Dayr Desert!
Choose your path!
New NPC and vendors for scrolls, new Goddess Coins added for exchange for costumes and other rewards!
New Master Level Changes!
Master Level experience requirements has been changed
We've lessened the requirements for leveling up through the Master Levels:
Rewards for certain quests have been changed
Experience has been increased for the following Master Level quests:
The Master Level Quest has new rewards
Monsters experience has been increased in Forgotten Payon
The following monsters have had their experience that give increased:
- Wild Ginseng
- Fleshy Leaf
- Dragon Tail
- Rafflesia
- Rock Khepri
- Cliff Condor
Some monsters have changed from aggressive to passive
The following monsters have been changed to passive:
Forgotten Payon:
Rock Khepri
Dragon Tail
Wild Ginseng
Fleshy Leaf
Master Level Einherjar:
Determination of the Lagan
Purification of Prana
Emriel of Penetration
Inverse of Ruins
Bloodred Rosary
Dayr Desert:
Female Dayr Condor
Male Dayr Condor
Dayr Condor Baby
Orange Sandman
Dark Sandman
Sand Golem
Stone Golem
Black Stone Golem
Sand Mane Tribe Pickaxe Worker
Sand Mane Tribe Shovel Worker
Muka Needle
Spike Muka
Dansa Amigo
Samba Amigo
Female Sapphire Wolf
Male Sapphire Wolf
Desert Kepri
Sand Kepri
Dark Whisper:
Skel Minor
Skel Worker
Acid Spore
Moldy Spore
Basilisk Baby
Hell Rockuf
Cave Worm
Needle Worm
Skull Warrior
Skull Mage
Skull Archer
Puku Puku
Kui Kui
Tropical Neon Flip
Jawaii Sandistar
Jawaii Helistar
Jawaii Coraltooth
Homeless Vadon Bebe
Happy Vadon Family
Gentle Flower Deer
Tiny Deer
Prince Tiny Deer
Gentle Tropical Flip
Sensitive Tropical Flip
Elements have been applied to some monsters
We've re-introduced the Element System to monsters that had previously not had elements applied. They include:
Skull Archer's attack range has been reduced
Skull Archers are now less aware of their surroundings, so adventurers can move around their zone more freely!
Mystery Chests have been added as rewards to Master Level daily quests
The following quest rewards have been changed to Mystery Chests:
- Quest: Limits of Patience
- Quest: Special Hat for Special Person, Me!
- Quest: No More Monsters, Please!
- Quest: Wonder What's Under the Desert Shadow
- Quest: You are Absolutely Correct
- Quest: Finders Keepers
- Quest: Immortal Desert Flower
- Quest: Dangerous Desert Oasis
- Quest: Bandit Bird in the Desert
- Quest: Why the Price is Up
- Quest: Got a Shovel or a Pickax?
- Quest: Cactus is Important Source of Water
- Quest: Play Cards
- Quest: Delivery Person Wanted (1)
- Quest: Delivery Person Wanted (2)
- Quest: Throw Away Your Trash in Your Home.
New Wonderland Changes
You'll find new Notice Boards in Prontera, Alberta, Morroc City, and Jawaii that will help you to know when the Wonderland raid dungeon has opened!
In addition, we've eased the requirements to open Wonderland!
Eddga Accessorys at the Eddga Vendors
Find the merchant, Arang, in Prontera in order to trade your Eddga Coins for Eddga accessories!
Event Period: April 12 - May 10, 2017
The smell of fresh blossoms can only mean one thing, it's time for the Spring Festival. That's right, fuzzy bunnies are hopping their way into Rune-Midgarts to share in the festivities.
It's time to collect eggs and finish some Khara Quests! To get started you will need to find NPC Clinkz in front of the Prontera Fountain. Keep in mind that you need to be level 15 to start the quest.
Here is a nifty guide on where to get started. Follow the quest to collect special event eggs.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Return to Sister Nerlen.
Step 6
Step 7
Now that you have a tidy collection of eggs it's time to figure out what to do with all of them!
1. First of all, the Blessed Egg and Pure Egg can help you recover HP or SP for 10 seconds.
2. Glittering Egg will increase 30 for each STR, INT, AGI, INT, HP for 10 mins.
3. Blessed Egg will increase 45 for each Critical Hit, Accuracy, Dodge, VIT, AGI for 10mins
Now if you have your sights set on a Festive Kafra Title, well then you are in luck! Here are the two Spring Festival Kafra Titles currently available. And don't forget, during the event the stats apply twice during the event period.
However, at this point you might find the need for more eggs. Do not worry we have Kafra Boxes and Daily quests to satiate that eggy need.
For the Daily Quests meet Tokki.
Stolen Egg
Fine Linens
Once you have collected your eggs you may also trade them in at Tokki!
Event Period: April 12 - May 1, 2017
Still angry that his plans to ruin Thor’s Reputation during the Winter Festival was stopped, Loki has vowed to ruin preparations for the Spring Festival. He has cursed the Bosses of Midgard with madness and now they look to destroy the peaceful cities of Ragnarok! Defeat them before they have a chance to wreak havoc.
Every three hours another Boss will spawn randomly just outside of the major cities and towns of Midgard, but be wary. Loki's Curse has made them stronger than you may remember, so make sure to bring friends, but fear not, each Boss is carrying drops for your effort.
Each Boss may drop a variation of the following:
Phantom Stone
3 Day VIP
7 Day VIP
Swag Box
Rune Remover
Elite Membership Packs are on sale for one week!
Sale Period: April 12 - April 19, 2017
Grab your Gold or Platinum Elite Membership Packs while they are discounted for this week!
Our Spring Festival Egg Box is here!
Looking to gain both Spring Festival titles? There's an Egg Box in the Kafra Shop to help you out for only 10 Kafra Points!
- Fixed Card Reinforcement text in UI
Epic+ Anniversary Cards are missing the label - Added [Epic+] to following cards: - Mad Scientist Jacob
- Merman Warrior Putaruta
- Two Holy Stars
- Conscious Eremes Guile
- Onnasis King of Trades
- Rayden Kus of the Wilderness
- Night Cat Looty
- Treasure Hunter Munil
Previously Fixed:
- War of Emperium Channel crash resolved