Last Chance for Founder
The Founder event is ending on June 1st, but we wanted to make sure you all were able to earn Founder titles for your other non-level 30 characters.
From Friday at 12pm PDT to Monday at 12pm PDT, you can earn an additional Founder title to use depending on how many hours you can accumulate in the game.
Over the three days, players will earn an additional Founder title for every tier of hours played they can accumulate.
Play at least 6 hours = 1 Founder Title
Play at least 12 hours = 2 Founder Titles
Play at least 24 hours = 3 Founder Titles
Play at least 36 hours = 4 Founder Titles
Play at least 48 hours = 5 Founder Titles
Play at least 60 hours = 6 Founder Titles
The accumulated time is for your account, and is not character-bound.
** Update June 4th
The founder titles are distributed, each character 30 or over earned 1 additional title.
Please only pull 1 out of Gift storage per character, only useful 1 time per character, enjoy them on other characters, or leave them in the gift storage for other character use later.
The Stats of the Founder title awee intended to be around +5 to all to make it a nice middle tier title.
But due to the oversight of having high stats shown in-game, when it was supposed to be blank, we are keeping its stats at its current level, but the token item you received will have a lvl 40 restriction on redemption. If you consume it now before maintenance you will maintain the title after.