Greetings, Midgardians!
We wanted to keep you abreast of the status of Ragnarok 2 and what kinds of things you can expect in the future from us. As many of you know, we have the Ragnarok 2 beta planned for April 18. Several giveaways and contests are available, and will continue to be available as we push through the beta into the launch of the game.
Two great methods of keeping track of the giveaways, events, and news of Ragnarok 2 is to follow our Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/PlayRagnarok2) or our Twitter account (@PlayRagnarok2). Both of them will be running separate contest and events, so make sure you are set up to take advantage of all of our plans by liking and following both.
To go alongside our pre-beta events and contests we are running, we have planned a variety of contests and events for the beta and after launch. You can expect GM-run monsters invading the towns of Midgard, contests to see who can champion the different aspects of Ragnarok 2 like the different dungeons, editor walkthroughs, and perhaps even a live cast with a Q&A.
The real bulk of our events and giveaways will come after we launch the game. You can expect to be constantly surprised by the variety and number of events we have planned. Also, make sure to keep checking our Facebook and Twitter pages to be on top of all of the contests and giveaways we will be running. Our goal is to overload you with excitement and fun.
So stay tuned, prepare to squash some Porings, and get ready for Ragnarok 2!