April 22, 2015
You may notice quite a bit of overlap between reported issues and fixed issues. Most of these were small, quick fixes, so they were easy to squeeze in within the week. Some will help to clarify game content, especially for newer players.
A small group of VCRs has volunteered to work on fixing the localization. We realize that it has been attempted in the past, but didn't really work out so well, so there will be a different approach to it this time. If there are any inconsistencies or text that is unclear in the game, please let us know so they can work on fixing it. Thanks!
Hot Topics & Known Issues
- Veteran's Quest start items are not working properly for some players. We will be having an emergency maintenance tonight to fix it.
Bug Report Summary
Reported issues are given one of the following categories:
- Critical - these are bugs that have game-breaking implications, interfere with gameplay or combat (especially PvP), or are exploitable.
- Moderate - these bugs present an annoyance to users, may confuse or frustrate players that don't understand them, but don't have a major impact on gameplay.
- Minor - these bugs are mostly visual issues or quirks; they don't actually have any substantial impact on gameplay but should probably be fixed anyway.
- Tweak - this is a suggested change to an existing part of the game that isn’t working right. Tweaks are lower priority than Minor, but are still evaluated by the development team.
For certain issues, we may ask members of the community (you!) to help us gather some information. These will be listed under “Needing More Information” with a description of what is being requested. Work will continue on the issue as normal, but will go faster and/or be more beneficial to everybody with your input.
Recently Reported
- [Moderate/Critical] Map data after death is buggy
- [Moderate] Khara descriptions have wrong strings
- [Moderate] Quest Start Item doesn't activate
- [Minor] Change of Sentence for guild and party
- [Minor] Leo debuff icon showing wrong - looks like a buff
- [Minor] No Trans ID - Tainted Shrine quest
- [Minor] [Khara] A "repair all" should count as that many single repairs
- [Minor] [Profession] Wrong description of "Liquefied Eatable Jellopies" meaning Jellopy Pudding
- [Minor] Assassin Cross Costume visual bug upon using Hide
- [Minor] Desert Scorpion Bow visual bug upon using Hide
- [Minor] Visual Bug - number of Items in the temporary box
- [Minor] Death on Escape (or dungeon exit / party disband)
Needing More Information
- Text needing improved localization
Recently Fixed
- Correcting the wrong description of "Liquefied Eatable Jellopies" meaning Jellopy Pudding for chefs.
- Cat and Tuxedo have conflicting information about if a head accessory is visible while wearing. This will be fixed.
- Fixed Spelling Error for Rune Daily Quest In Morroc
- Fixing description for vigor that states that it reduces cast time.
- Fixing Debuff bug where it will get stuck at 1 second and not be removed.
- Correcting: Buffs will go down to 1 second left and will not be removed.
- Correcting: Buff cooldown does not reset to the full amount if recast.
- The text above the Exchange NPC for Culvert of Abyss Tokens is incorrect and will be fixed.
- Insomnia Stamina Soup says the buff lasts for 60 seconds, but it really lasts for 60 minutes. Correcting the description to reflect the right info.
- Entering/leaving guilds and parties message will be reworded.
- Description on "Master's Gold Label Menu (7days)" is not clear and will be corrected.
Discuss the report on our Official Forum here!